I would like to wish everyone a Happy Holidays this holiday season.

I know it is difficult being a business owner, or even an employee this year. We have been impacted with crime, inflation of products, wage increases, but it is the violence we have to endure.

Unless you’re a small business owner, you don’t really feel it or understand it. The public just sees a part of it. But as a business owner, we all feel the impact it has taken on us.

Whether graffiti to our businesses, break-ins, vandalism, or trash outside left all over the street. The major impact is theft and robbery. Not just products stolen but how it affects the mental health of the owner and staff of the business, people seem to forget that.

It seems like people are more worried about the criminals these days than the victims, and unfortunately when you get robbed or threatened you are a victim.

Having an individual threaten you or pull a weapon on you can definitely cause some psychological problems, or even PTSD, yet we never see anybody talk about the impact to business owners from violent crime.

This holiday season is harder than most. We all need to take care of our families. But with the crime rate the way it is, and the lack of support from the government towards small businesses, it does seem like a losing battle.

But we do have to remember as a small business owner that we are the backbone of Canada. We are what this country stands for. Whether we’re born here, or a newcomer, we can have our own businesses. We can be successful and take care of what’s important to us, our families.

Standing up against the criminal aspect that we’re facing is not a lost cause. But working together as a community is how we will beat them, for right now many of our local businesses are having problems. Financially or physically.

Let’s just remember working together, supporting local, shopping and eating in our areas is what will make us endure.

Alas, we cannot fight big businesses, especially during the holidays. But what we can do is offer our customers a friendly environment, people you get to know. Keeping our businesses friendly and a positive place is what will keep us fighting through these hard times.

May everyone have a wonderful Holiday, Seasons greetings, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Festive Solstice and a wonderful Kwanzaa.

Michael Paille 

Sargent Avenue Business Community